APS has been a Libra Dealer for over 20 years. We are proud to offer and promote the following Libra products:

 Libra Generation3 Batching Systems – Finally… A system that molds to your business. Configurable, up-gradable, multi-tasking automation that seamlessly integrates with your business systems. Generation3 Systems can be used for Asphalt Batching, Truck Ticketing, as well as Silo Load-out.

Libra PlantWise Drum Blending Systems – Advanced Automation for Asphalt Drum Mix Plants

Live Truck Tracking – Live Truck Tracking provides a robust and easily-grasped visual indication of truck status, allowing dispatchers to efficiently manage trucks and optimize hauling.  The result can be a highly profitable reduction in overall trucking costs, better satisfied customers, and the formation of a loyal cadre of outside truckers attracted to a customer that optimizes the trucker’s time and revenue.

Libra Camera ID Systems -The Libra Camera ID eliminates the delays/costs of paper signatures and provides proof-of-purchase for quick, full-proof resolution of billing disputes.

Libra Truck Dispatching System w/ GPS Integration – The Libra Dispatch Module helps asphalt and aggregate companies forecast, organize and manage job/truck scheduling to make the most efficient use of resources and thereby improve the bottom line. GPS Integration is coming soon!

Libra Enterprise Information Servers – Move Your Production Facilities into your Office! Authorized personnel have real-time access to company-wide data – anytime, anywhere.

Libra Remote Ticket Printing – Libra System’s Remote Printer Terminals have many advantages regarding the company, printer, and enclosure.

Libra Self Service Kiosks – The Libra Self-Service Kiosks allow material suppliers to increase revenue by handling more truck traffic without increasing the number of operators. The kiosks increase customer satisfaction by reducing in-yard times, and by allowing the extension of site operating hours.

Libra Silo Safety Systems – Are you at risk for a silo accident? Libra releases Silo Safety System.

Libra Security Modules – The Security Module is an optional component of the Generation3 software.

Libra Web Services – Leverage your Libra investment with mobile connectivity!




Below is a listing of our customers who Libra Systems: