My name is Tim Sharretts, owner of APS. I’ve been in the asphalt business all of my life. I grew up climbing on batch plants as a kid and when I was in my teens, worked at the newly purchased drum plant doing mix designs and testing. I’ve worked every aspect of the asphalt production and lay-down business. After college, I worked for a major plant manufacturer for three years which moved me to New England. I worked for a local asphalt plant dealer for another four years and started APS in 1995.
APS was created as a regional distributer of asphalt plant equipment and services. We take pride in working with the same customers, year in and year out fulfilling their needs in the production of hot-mix asphalt and material drying.
We have represented Hauck Manufacturing (Honeywell HTS) and Libra Systems since our inception. We fabricate any and all items for asphalt plant and rotary drying – we have provided over 65 drum and dryer shells for our customers over the years.
We represent our previously owned equipment accurately and fairly. We provide free and accurate technical information to all of our customers – new and old.
If you are looking for asphalt plant/rotary dryer related information please feel free to contact me any time at 603-490-3460.